Top 5 Home Remodeling Mistakes

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1. Renovating before living in the house

This is a huge mistake that lots of new homeowners make. You should never renovate your home before you actually live in it. The reason for this is that you will discover what fits your needs and wants much better after actually living in the space. For example, you might decide that you really need to remodel your bathroom because it is not functional the way it is after living in it, but you wouldn’t know this without living in the house first. After living in your home you will have a much better understanding of exactly how you want the remodel done. If you decide to remodel it before you live in it then more likely than not you will end up remodeling it again to your exact liking.


2. Not asking for a reference before hiring

It is common to search for remodeling companies on the web, but the best experiences customers have tend to almost always come from a reference. There is a reason for this; if you were given a reference then it means that company has proven itself to whoever gave you their contact. For someone to give you a reference then they must have had a good experience with that company. This is the reason that you must always ask for references before hiring a contractor! More often than not, you will find the best person for the job when someone else recommends them.


3. Choosing the lowest bid

This is a very common mistake and for good reason; it is in our nature to choose the cheapest option available to us. Although this is usually a good way to go about things, remodeling is another story. There are lots of factors to consider when choosing a remodeling company but quality should always be the top priority. We recommend looking at customer testimonials and reviews to really understand the kind of work the company does. More often than not, the lowest bid ends up bringing in hidden costs later on or doing a poor/untimely job.


4. Hiring a national firm

Hiring a national remodeling firm can be a big mistake because they provide a very cookie-cutter and low cost approach. Many homeowners look at these companies because they are very established and have lots of projects under their belt, however, they will not provide you a personalized experience or provide you with the highest quality since they are so focused on their costs. Family owned and operated or small businesses are much more personalized and attentive to their customers.


5. Going for low-cost over quality!

Lots of homeowners want to have a renovation done at the cheapest possible price while still increasing the value of their home. This is a common mistake because quality will actually yield a much better return on investment due to not having to worry about it breaking down any time soon. When remodeling, always choose quality over low cost so that you do not need to renovate the same thing twice in the span of 5 years! Quality should always be the priority when choosing a remodel and that is why QRS is the best.


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